The secret of being a missionary

 This  are the people who made me the wayoway I am today..there is nothing more I can enjoy in this world other than being a missionary! Traveling to different unreachable places being there with the people, loving them and sharing the truth of the gospel. 

There are young men and women out there..who think they can't make it in to missions and becoming a missionary,t but iaI amIam here to tell you that even in my twenties the Lord has begin using me.

There is a lot to share.. high moments and low moments ofcourse ..but the joy of it is unstoppable..

What is September 2020 to me.
One of the busy month.. comprising of visit to DRC, attending A Bible School (SBS). Christmass break.
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Some of my stories that you might have missed


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what a joy to hear from the Father😁😁

I didn't want to talk about this but I cantfecan't contain it anymore cause it keeps stiring me up!

For those who didn't not know! I went through very difficult moments! Through the covid-19 in the year 2020

Most of those who promised to support and stand with me in mission were unable to sent support due to the economic crisis which hit the whole world.

Everything in my life feels like the earth has stopped moving.

This made  me to question my ability of hearing God's voice!

...But while at the presence of God, I received an amazing vision😁

** * I stood on a rock, and as I looked down the beautiful volley, I saw so many young men and women full of joy, helping to Thatch roofs of the vunarable people, praying for the sick, matching for the Lord, singing and dancing, for the Lord ,Sharing the gospel,..but there was one person who was looking fo faint to me.

And I was seeing it every where..

Late I heard a voice from behind me calling me by name..I turned so quickly but didn't see anyone around. As I was still thinking about this vision again I heard my name called twice ..I shut my eyes and in small voice I said speak Lord..and no one spoke. I waited for minutes nothing happened until..I begun to fall asleep and a dream took over me, in the dream I saw the faint figure again..and spoke to me.. saying " I have called you to fullfil my mission, its not your mission by mine! So I will take care of you! Why is your soul downcast? Why are you so worried??  Everyone who have been  called in to mission has not been a  simple task..but I am with you ,   wait here because I want you to live your daily life to point people to the direction of my Love. And  am going ahead of you to  prepare a place for you ..

When I woke up I saw no one around me then I knew That it was the Lord who  spoke to me.

I responded back by confessing all about my doughts and asked Him to cleanse me, as I was still praying I felt  mist falling on me and immediately my heart was filled  with an overwhelming joy.

The Bible School (SBS)

We had 2 weeks Christmas Holiday break and resumed the school on 3rd of Jan 2021❤️😊

So far we have completed 6 books of the new testament! In all that..I have really learnt so much

I learnt how to dig to the information background of the books, this helped me to interpret the bible so well and whenever I do my final application I feel the power which was working in those apostle's those days running through my veins, and after journaling a prayer to the lord, I have seen His manifestation in my life!

This two months have been so life challenging in my life ..I can't wait for  3rd of January 2021!

Will always keep remembering you all in my prayers.

👏🏼👏🏼Thank you for spending time to read this!😊  

February-June plans coming soon!

Love David💚