Gensis of the ministry

How I got involved with the deaf Ministry

At an Age of 14, I learnt Ugandan Sign Language because of my cousin who is Deaf, Because I had the interest and passion for it made me learn so fast. I discovered lots of problems facing the deaf world : in education sector, in job seeking and even the Pentecostal churches in Uganda.

Later I found myself volunteering as a sign language interpreter for the deaf. I interpreted church services, In Hospitals, Prisons, conferences, workshops etc. 

Deaf Hearing United was Ywam Ministry lead by Fielders,  My first appearance  in the deaf ministry was in 2011, in a family Worshop, I loved everything especially those moments when we were given an opportunity to sign.

later on, I needed more of it, until the Fielders had to invite me to their Home every afternoon. I had sessions of sign language, played soccer with Laurence and Jerome(Adam's Two boys) we could have time watching movies and soccer. our favorite sports team was Arsenal

 In the 2013, I was involved in the first deaf and hearing youth camp, what an experience I had traveling to Lobone a village in south Sudan. to be honest it was more fun, we arrived to the village in the evening with warm welcome , the following day was marked with Prayer walk, and door to door ministry, I loved making new friends in the village through playing soccer and also thought them how to play chess.

      1.  We began to translate Bible stories in to Ugandan sign language then the deaf could perform it in drama form.
      2. We began to translate Bible stories in to Ugandan sign language then the deaf could perform it in drama form.
      3. We also composed signed songs after intensive study of the scriptures, Visited deaf families and taught the hearing members sign language in order for the family to use common language with them. 

Deaf Youth Camps

Deafs from western Uganda  perfoming thier  cultral dance during one of the youth camps

Ojak  and Jospeh both deaf, leading one of the sessions of the  deaf cultural dance and drama  

The deafs are divided into bible study groups to dig deeper in to the word, during the small group all
given opportunity to share their views and how the word has influenced  them and how they tend to 
apply in to their lives. Some of them were able to share deep stuffs and we prayed together for them.

Testimony from the deaf Youth Camp

Teaching Sign Language 

At the end of the coarse you will be one of the person who is able to speak two languages at once..
 its in my heart to teach as many as possible  the skill of Ugandan  sign language so that they will also help to bridge the gap of communication between the deaf and hearing 
Sign Language student

Our hearts can be broken, our Hope can be lost but we can rebuild ourselves again


At some point in life many people become deaf, the cause of deafness varies from person to person.  some people are born deaf, others become deaf due to sickness and strong medication such as quinine, Deafness might be caused due to environmental factor such as Loud explosives, thunder and Lightening, Loud music and Old age.

Other than all the languages we all speak, I encourage Sign language to be learnt by all as a medium  of communication.  its so sad to see how society at times view deaf people. But there is a lot to learn and explore in this silent world. the world of signs, when you know it you gone rock it...

Those people who are able bodied and have the heart to bridged the gap between the deaf and hearing, we call them Sign language interpreters, Who knows you will be one of them. They help the in coordinating the flow of information from one world to another, what I call them as " Delivery Angels" they play much important role both in the Deaf and the hearing world. without a bridge no one can cross to the other side of the River.
To be honest this interpreter have the biggest job of all, as the bridge carries the weight of all the heavy loads on it so are the sign language interpreter 


Ywam Arua Deaf Ministry

If you would like to learn sign Language and volunteer in the deaf ministry, please  you can visit Outreach — YWAM Arua , N.B DTS is a requirement for those who would like to join Youth with A mission( YWAM) we have several DTS schools in Uganda and DRC. 

Currently Dorcus and Grace are the main key leaders spare heading this ministry I do assist them from time to time. Dorcus is a female young youth, fluent in Ugandan Sign language Interpreter and has huge heart for the deaf people you will defiantly enjoy working with her alongside Grace who is a male Youth, He his deaf and a fluent communicator of Ugandan Sign language. and in case you need more information please free to contact me.

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