Just a Minute to talk to God about us please!

  • Pray for the move of God in DR. Congo  that the civil wars will end, better roads will be constructed, extension services will reach remote areas. we need Laborers people who will pour their lives completely to serve God.
  • Due to the ongoing civil war in eastern part of DR. Congo, there are so many refugees in camps with very poor living conditions, when you come and visit these camps you will defiantly cry or end up giving everything that you have away cause the level of suffering here, I haven't seen it else were in Africa, we really need God intervention.
  • Pray for Ywam Isiro, God to empower the staffs in that base and for Him to open a way and opportunities for them to move all of the nation of Congo  
  • Pray for the body of Christ in Congo, that they will work together and also send out Missionaries.
  •  Lastly pray for God's Financial Provision so that we will be able to carry all these ministries in all parts of DR. Congo. incase God stirs your heart to donate please message me directly 
                                    Thank you so much for praying!

                                                  GOD BLESS!!!!