
  The World's Hungry

98% of the world's hungry live in developing countries. 75% of them live in rural areas, mainly in the villages of Asia and Africa, and 70% of them rely on farming as their occupation. That is why we are committed to reach, equip and encourage them.

     Sustaining Farms and Families

We teach farming methods that focus on organic, sustainable agriculture and have been developed in Africa through Foundations for Farming. We help families start vegetable kitchen gardens, demonstrate making compost piles, and encourage a diligence in farming that can create a profit.   

Everything we do must be done, on time, at a high standard, without wastage and with joy. With these principles, small holder farmers can enjoy the bounty of the earth.  we teach organic, sustainable farming methods developed in the heart of Africa through Foundations for Farming. We guide families in nurturing their own vegetable kitchen gardens, teaching them how to create compost piles, and instill a diligent farming spirit that can create a profit.

We believe in timely action, high standards, zero waste, and above all, finding joy in our work. By embracing these principles, small holder farmers can truly relish the earth's abundant bounty.

"the LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it." Genesis 2:15

Resource:Farm stew