Engaging Youths in the Great Commission

 I have been pastoring for many years, working as a cleaner in one of the schools after principal show how I enjoy  my job she began to approach me occasionally asking for relationship. I told her I am a pastor married  with 10 children . But that didn't stop her from approaching  me.
Several weeks later when she learnt that indeed I am not interested, she begun to change.
One-day police came and I was arrested. Taken to the prison.  Not knowing what was happening .
When I was brought  to the court for trials I was  accused that I rapped 2 young girls at her school,  stole school materials,
She said she knows me well and I am one of the guys who have killed  some many children and robbed  many.
I had no words to say,  I got myself jailed for seven years.
As I was in the prison I continued to share the word of God to the fellow prisoner, while there I was accused that I am moblizing the prisoner to strike.
Later I was transferred to another location for 2 years.
There many accusations were allied against  me.  Among  others I was accused of wanting to start rebellion against  the government and wanting to kill the president.  Sometimes  people where sent to the prison to behead me.
But when they approach me,  I shared the gospel to them and end up going back.  Certain time fellows prisoners would come to know me,  but someone would show up and the plan would fail.
I remember  Afayo and his team came to visit us and they were preaching  and singing in that prison. One thing he mentioned which touched my heart was when he said" Revenge is not ours but is for God, whatever someone did for you it's God to revenge.  If you put yourself in to reveagency then you are adding more burden in you".
From that day I forgave this women who brought me here,  and begun behaving  different at the prison.
On my last day of trial,  I was found innocent, found with any criminal record and the woman was to appeal for court execution. But I told the judge  no Revenge belongs to God for I have forgiven her let her go free.
After being released I was so excited and happly to be reunited with my family after seven years.
I thank my wife for waiting for all this years and for taking good care of the children.
I also want thank God for protecting me while in the prison and for sending David Afayo and the team to remind me that I will be out.  Now I live happily with my family  and continued the work of God from where I had left.  Glory be to God.

 thank you David may God continue to use you and provide for you in your mission that you will save many from bundage!! Love you.