Empowering others on their Calling



    Always stand hard to pray and intercede for others,
    during my 2019-2020 staffing of my DTS, I took it as a habit to pray and interceded for my One-on-One. there are many youths and children in Africa who are voiceless, the pressure they receive from their none-christian parents, colleague pairs etc. tend to let them down.
    [Moses] I was born in none christian family, none of my parents believe in God. my father is a peasant farmer and my mother is a house wife. I grew up with my 2 sisters and young brother not knowing what it means to go to church
    my father returns home drug late in the evening and whenever He arrives, He begins to fight with my mother, wakes me up in my deep sleep with cold water, beats me, abuses me and my sister that we are nothing, he wasted his time with us, he wished we died, there is nothing He can get from us. even he doesn't thing we are His children.
    every 5:00am in the morning we are forced to wake up very early in the morning and go to work in the field. we work until late in the afternoon sometimes we work until evening time.
    I grew up with hatred especially towards my father, I said to myself i will never forgive him for what He has done to me and my sisters.
    But when i came and joined the DTS,  at first i didn't understand anything cause I dont speak English so well, but through the help of my One-on-One[David Afayo] who was able to explain to me more about what I learnt in the class made me to come in conclusion of forgiving my father following a teacher on The father Heart of God by Jack Heart and forgiveness by Elana Rode.
    i am to know who much more my heavenly Father loves me and How much more He desire me to forgive those who hurt me.

David always prays for me, I begun to receive dreams and vision which I failed to interpret but when I came to David, He was able to help me by interpreting them. this made me to accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior and i believe God wants to use me to change my family and i am determined that when i go back, My family shall be a God fearing Family,
Please Join to pray for me