"Let the children come to me for the kingdom of Heaven belong to search"

 "You are Never forgotten says the Lord"
There is still alot to be done on this nation.  Please stand with me to pray that God sends more workers for the harvest is much but there are few labourers.

The Cry of 15 years old karamoja  boy
My name is koling, I grew up with my uncle, my dad died when I was 3 years.  I was told cattle restlers came to raid our cattle,  in the process of protecting them,  my dad was fired using a rifle and was killed.  All our cattle were taken. Houses were burnt and people killed I only survived because my uncle hide in in the bushes.
Later I grew up and still didn't forget what the tribe of Turkana  did to our family,  I said to myself I will work hard to revenge my father's death and the cattle we lost.  But today when I met this people,  we played games and they thought us stories in the Bible,  I am to realize there is no need to revenge cause my father is in heaven  but I have to work hard to be in heaven with him someday.
I love the story about Jesus and accepted him as my Lord and saviour and promised to be his forever.
When I saw the smile of this pastoralist, I begun to remember  my dad story how God called him to reach  the pastoralist tribes during his DTS in the year  2010, on the 31st of  December  2019, I had a voice saying that " you have been chosen from your family to run this race!"
I have no idea  know how to run it, but I know that  I will fulfill it,  but will continue to  trust and lean on God. To fellow every footsteps where He will lead me. 

 I won't forget the day,  sharing bible story about Jesus birth, singing  songs,  and playing games  with this kids, they are so hospitable, though I know almost nothing in their language but with the help of an English- K'jong interpretation we had so much fun.
It was very interesting  as it was my first time to try to speak in their language, they kept laughing at me and loved me so much.  I keep missing them everyday

Meeting and sharing Bible Stories

I believe that God has alot to accomplish in my life and the life of this kids, the little seeds I planted I belief He will bring someone to come and water them, My life has been completely changed and to be honest I will choose missions instead of white collar job , God has been so faithful to me in this hot dusty environment.
The water tastes salty, I am not used to the foods here but each day adjusting to the life here with so much joy while learning different stuffs .

Together with this kids we play a game called "Bat-Bat, Moth" all this kids loved this game and it created a friendly atmosphere for us to know each and interact. They wanted me to go again. ..i can't wait to see them again when the time comes 

 The Kids learn from the Bible stories and demanded for more of it. it was very interesting to see them run to their parents and re-tell the story 
I loved this kids created in the image of God.  And already missing them. 
I learnt that there is nothing broken that God can not remark,  and if you  look for Hope when you are afraid just look at the birds.  They even know that God holds tomorrow . 

All this family accepted Jesus as lord and saviour and ready to start serving God in the church. 

The Bible gives us as believers a command to go all in to the world and preach the good news baptising those who believe in the name of the father, the son and the Holy spirit and teaching them to obey everything He commanded us.
You are welcome to visit or partner with me to see his kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven 

Thank you so much !