March 2020 was another Year where the epidemic  broke lose yet nothing can stop us

with 12 sudents from DRC, Kenya, south Sudan and Uganda.  We started the 3 months training with lots of energy and excitiment not knowing what lies ahead of us.
I had 8 volunteer staffs who were ready and committed  to support me. among them was my dad. He was more like an adviser to me.
All togther we seek God's preseence and purpose, what I loved about this dts is that it takes you deeper in intimancy with God. it was a beutiful moment of connecting with eachother as we reflect on Gods characters  later in the afternoon after having the class session we could meet in small groups to discuss how the teaching has impacted our life and what area of life we need to change. The staffs played a big role in leading the small group.

The monday worship was our culture, every morning we could meet as staff team and start our day with devotions before having clasese. 
As food gives strength or the body so is prayers for the spirit.   
 This was a real challenge for us, as the world locks down, we have to figure out what to do with our coarse, the Government Lockdown and passing a degree of no gathering. not more than 5 people are allowed to gather together.  This was a heavy blow on our side especially to me who was leading the coarse. students filled with fear and waiting for decsion from me, I entered in moment of worship and seek for Gods direction . at the end of this Ideas pooped up in my mind of what is to be done. so i gave freedom for each student to choose either to go back home or to remain and we figure out how to run the training. half of the students decided to go back to join their families meanwhile half stayed.

God was so faithful to me, and with the few we were able to figure a way to run the coarse without disobeying any goverment oders

As the world locks down completely and the death toll goes higher day after day, I realized my pocket was running empty each day as I have to spent funds to make sure the school run, and my parents back home also needed my support. How hard is for someone who is a volunteer and committed to full time service without any payment suffer. to be honest if you are not called for missions never push yourself because you will definitely die of stress and other factors. 
I knew deep inside me I could do nothing; I came to a point where it only needs God to show up, but I was so patience waiting on the lord. 

I made several news letters and vidoes and send them out to friends, none of them responded, i waited day after day unitl I gave up, then finnally started focuing on God and Him alone to statisfy my ego. until it came to a point where I found my self in unadant joy that filled my heart.Day after day it felt like I aren't lacking anything. One saturday afternoon my heart was stired up to go and check my account, I felt it was from God that I should that, Going to the back to find my account still at negative, I laughed at myself, but that same voice keeps telling me to go back day after day, I never gave up, when I was about to give up after 3 days of going to the bank to check my account, was when I got a donation of 
$ 1000 unitl now I dont know who sent that money, But what I still remember is that its God's Miracle and its just the start. 
in summary, being faithful to Gods voice is very important even when He asks you to do wired thngs which make no sense to any man.


 The atmosphere feels like Heaven on earth when different nationalities, Cultures treat each other with Love and Respect. seeing each other as Jesus sees us.
 Class times and having teachers who are gifted to rightly teach the word of God leads to growth of students lives as they apply it in to their daily living life.

Students in pair dig deeper in to the word of God discovering what it means to each of them and how to apply it before telling others about it.

  I loved this moment's, to be honest the word of God is real, and alive only if you Belief.

  staffs help to interepret for  those who don't speak english 
 (Mama Miriam and Martin)

Martin helping Jolie and Nadge