Knowing the books in the Bible

Our BIBLE journey began at Genesis through Exodus. On the way, we saw Leviticus recording the Numbers of the Deuteronomy while Joshua was waiting at the beautiful gate for the Judges only to see Ruth calling; “Samuel, Samuel”, because the first and the second Kings of Chronicles were coming to visit Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther for the misfortune of Job, their brother.
They notice that (David) the author of Psalms was teaching his children concerning Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs. This coincided with the period that Isaiah and Jeremiah were engaged in Lamentation for Ezekiel and Daniel. By that time Amos and Obadiah were not around. Three days earlier Hosea, Joel, and Jonah were reported to have traveled in the same ship with Micah and Nahum to Jerusalem. Also Habakkuk visited Zephaniah, whose cousin is Malachi immediately after the old tradition;
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were involved in the Acts with the Romans behaving like the Corinthians, who were always at logger-heads with the Galatians, at the time the Ephesians realizing that the Philippians are interested in the case made it known to the Colossians who suggested to the Thessalonians that they should first of all see Timothy who has gone to the house of Titus who was teaching Philemon his young brother how to read and write Hebrews. On hearing, James asked Peter to explain to him how the three Johns have disclosed to Jude the Revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ in the whole BIBLE                       

           Saving a child life during
               Hospital  ministry

The love for people & the lion's heart that God gave me never fades!!... Met this child laying down helpless and as I continued in conversation with the mother, was when I got to know that father left several months early this year and the child has been sick for almost 7 days! I asked the her, what medicine she is giving to the child,. 
U didn't believe what the lady told me at first as she continued I was deeply moved by one of the words she spoke, she said "she didn't have any money left to take the child to hospital even if she has the means of transport, where is she going to get the money for paying the medical l bills, all in all what she resorted was giving the child local herbs

I asked if I can help, together with her we went to the hospital ..after the test result the doctor said the child has low blood count, & blood is out of stock and for it to be ordered from another health center $10 has to be paid.
            I tried to negotiate but he still insisted, finally came in mind can i give mine, doctor said said they don't just administer blood to patience like that, first it must be screened to confirm it safe and the right blood group, I agreed for what ever process that is required.    Several minutes later the doctor came with a report saying my blood group matches the child's and its safe.
I donated a litter of blood for the child unfortunately half of that was given to the child and the rest I didn't know what they will do with it.

At the end when I was about to leave, the woman came to me, tears fall down her cheek, she asked me why I did this all to her while I don't even know her, I told her Jesus loves her. Jesus came and He  died for us all such that we may be redeemed from the evil world and the powers  of darkness. Jesus said '' I am the way the truth and life, No one comes to the Father except through me''.
The lady asked, ''How can I meet this Jesus?'', then I l told her if she believes in her heart and confesses with her mouth that Jesus is Lord, who came and died because of our sins then she will be saved.
later on Then lead her through a confession prayer and asked her to go and meet a near by church and pray always with other believers.


here are moments in life where you find saying Good-bey is so hard. But the Bible teaches us that there is time for everything.
Mission life brings people together and they get connected but then little did they know that soon they will be apart separated by long distance but seeing the same moon.
 However with God whenever we get separated in the physical but still keep each other in prayers every time.
Also I want thank God for the wisdom He has given to the world especially those who came with the  idea of making the world as a global Village. where we can keep each other updated and still can follow each other up.
        After 5 weeks of ministering together, now time has come for me to depart, it was very difficult for me to say yes I am leaving, yet it is still difficult to say No, had a very good week teaching and encouraging elderly women in the church on how to reach others with the gospel. God did amazing Miracle after wards the number of this women increased and they were ready to share the gospel.
successful closed that chapter and looking forward to where God is taking me next .                                                       

Good-Bey  Mighty men and women of God 

Ready to travel to my next destination, With God all things are possible. Thanks so much for your prayer.             

Thank you so much for all your support