At some point in life many people become deaf, the cause of deafness varies from person to person.  some people are born deaf, others become deaf due to sickness and strong medication such as quinine, Deafness might be caused due to environmental factor such as Loud explosives, thunder and Lightening, Loud music and Old age.

Other than all the languages we all speak, I encourage Sign language to be learnt by all as a medium  of communication.  its so sad to see how society at times view deaf people. But there is a lot to learn and explore in this silent world. the world of signs, when you know it you gone rock it...

Those people who are able bodied and have the heart to bridged the gap between the deaf and hearing, we call them Sign language interpreters, Who knows you will be one of them. They help the in coordinating the flow of information from one world to another, what I call them as " Delivery Angels" they play much important role both in the Deaf and the hearing world. without a bridge no one can cross to the other side of the River.
To be honest this interpreter have the biggest job of all, as the bridge carries the weight of all the heavy loads on it so are the sign language interpreter 


Ywam Arua Deaf Ministry

If you would like to learn sign Language and volunteer in the deaf ministry, please  you can visit Outreach — YWAM Arua , N.B DTS is a requirement for those who would like to join Youth with A mission( YWAM) we have several DTS schools in Uganda and DRC. 

Currently Dorcus and Grace are the main key leaders spare heading this ministry I do assist them from time to time. Dorcus is a female young youth, fluent in Ugandan Sign language Interpreter and has huge heart for the deaf people you will defiantly enjoy working with her alongside Grace who is a male Youth, He his deaf and a fluent communicator of Ugandan Sign language. and in case you need more information please free to contact me.
Reciting the Creation Story in Sign language
Play the video to watch 


  • Signed drama's.
  • Bible studies 
  • Sign language Class.
  • Sports through school visiting's
  • Song creation
we would like the deaf to know the goodness of God through the inductive bible studies such that they develop a close relationship in their lives and family to walk with Him 
we also guide them to create songs of their own in sign language to express their heart to enable them to grow spiritually.
we are still seeking resources to see how to Impact the deaf community in these areas.
  • Tailoring
  • Agriculture
  • art and graphics
  • home visits to offer guidance and counseling.
with an aim to impact the deaf community with skills that will enable thrive their Niche.