Allow me to first congratulate anyone working with kids, the pre- school teachers, Sunday school teachers, Kings Kids volunteer workers etc.

Saying that I work with kids is easier than when you experience the real work.

As the bible instruct parents to train the child in the way he should go and when he grows up he will never depart away from it . Proverb 22:6

It takes a lot of effort to do this My experience of working with age group of 8-12 years old is that it’s really a work. Depending on the type of the activity, at the end of the day, you will find your self-exhausted and so tired.

I didn’t know why I was so exhausted  until I realized I have emptied myself all to the kids.

Kids need to be treated in Love, Respect and Humility in order for you to gain their trust in the end they will listen to you and follow what you instruct them. Also considering the kind of activity and timing is very important, as you know kids love to play, the longer you keep them in a brain storm activity, you will notice them beginning to  play with their friend, talking or regular moving out of the group

Also in an activity that requires them to participate in a group you will not that there are some kids who have Anxiety,  I was  instructing  the kids to play one of the skit “Jesus at the Boot” one boy gets so excited to choose a character but then as the practices continues and gets intense, he changes his mind saying ‘’ I can’t act anymore” frustrating the whole team, other friends began to pull out, however I learnt how to be patience encourage him uplifting his spirit till he accepts to act, minutes later again he tell me he  doesn’t want to be part of the skit, I also have to repeat myself again.

After the whole team agreed to act the skit including the kid who wanted to pull out, however in the final minute when they were about to go and perform in the large group, this particular boy came to me and said he want the skit to be changed, He can’t act it, I told him it’s too late now, but why should we change? “I asked him, He told me that he is nervous and afraid to act, It took me time to convince him until he agreed to act, their presentation in the large group was so marvelous.