Outreach in North Eastern Uganda 2019

Ministry in Karamonja 2019

 Our mini bus arrived late, we had to off load the car, cleaning the place to lay  down our bed, everyone was so tired after 12 hours of drive on rough road, we were all ready just to lay and sleep and yet still need to catch up with everyone and update them about the next day's schedule then followed by short time for devotion and then everyone was ready to go to bed. 

This was a marvelous season of my life, its my first time to lead students who have been in class for 3 months learning discipleship and how to look win the world for Jesus.  we went to three outreach locations, Soroti, Kotido, and Agweng village in Lira.

How this  missions Changed my life

From this mission trip I learned how to lead other people with different personalities, cultural beliefs, different age groups who were all  In my outreach team, I had elders who were bishops in South Sudan, people who grew up in a culture in which they ought to receive maximum respect, young people have no voice over elders, women role is to serve the men just like slave. for the first few weeks of the outreach, I struggled a lot to be heard, so I ended up doing almost all things. until they begun to learn and follow my lead


According to Jesus final words to His disciples and a timeless truth of all times in  Matt 28:19-2, He said ''Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you [i]always, to the end of the age.”
I experienced the power of God in that scripture, can't really express in written how I felt knowing that Jesus was right there with me, talking with him everyday, moving with him and working with him was my best experience which will last forever. 
sorry, this photos have poor contrast, but the scene of that season reminds in my heart like it happened yesterday
After having several bible studies and sharing God's word with the youths, our last day marked a remarking moment in which none of them wanted to leave without being baptized. 

God is really indeed God
''If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me''. Luke 14: 27

The Joy of the Lord will be your strength.
         I decided to leave everything behind and follow Christ, I heard the word of God, read it, several times and said to myself if REALLY Jesus story is true, then I am leaving everything behind and follow him. 
while at high school, I loved Geography and math was studying heard to become a pilot, little did I know that Jesus was preparing me not to fly people from one destination to another but to prepare the way to fly people to heaven. 


I loved spending time by myself in the woods either playing guitar, reading the bible or praying.  My soul feels so strengthened, an outstanding peace and joy fills me up after those moments. coming back from there I feel so much different. the way I began to see and treat people completely changed.


 it was late afternoon when we went for prison ministry. when we entered the room we got several prisoners sitting on the ground waiting for us to deliver a message. others on their faces looked like they were being forced to listen to the word of God, among them was this man named Simon.
Simon used to be a pastor however He was jailed after being accused of Adultery, He was so angry to the people of the church who accused him and framed him of charges he was guilt of. this man him to hate God and the church and sworn never again to serve God.
How ever after sharing the word of God in the prison, a word of knowledge came to one of the students and when We spoke it to Simon. He begun to weep, we didn't know why He was crying though we wanted to ask but time was against us, as we were concluding I just prophesied to him " I told him I see a picture of him walking in the market and doing shopping and Told him God said its not going to take long for he will be freed from here and restored back to his service.
A week late we went to purchase food items for our lunch, was a big surprise to meet Simon in the market also doing shopping, our eyes caught each other With smile on his face He run and embraced me after chatting for few minutes he invited me and the rest to his home to tell us the full story of his life 
it was just a great moment, right now Simon is back pastoring and serving in the church.