Story of my first tripe to isiro!

The tripe was  very long tripe, stopped at the DGM for the rest of the team to sort out their visa's, just in a while five as us (Mario, Sharon, Dan, I and our driver Yolam) set off for 21 hours’ drive. I kept picturing myself in this place that I have been longing to visit.

I loved the feel of the wind blowing across my ears as I watch the terrain of Congo. Loved the beautiful scenery of the magnificent smoky mountains and the green vegetation.

After 12 hours of drive one of our tyer got flat, we had to stop and remove it and place the spare that we had. Took us less than 30min and we were back on the road.

Our driver was aiming for us to cross the Gobari bridge and rest for the night at the other side of the river nevertheless  our bodies were so tired that we couldn’t proceed anymore and also we needed to mend the tyer that went flat  previous so we Stopped at a local near church by the road side, without calling or informing the pastors family that we are coming, I was so socked with their hospitality. In just a little while the wife of pastor made warm water for us to take a bath meanwhile the kids set a campfire .They also shared the little dinner that they had prepared for themselves. After wards we had some time by the fire playing games, and telling stories. They had 2 small grass thatched huts that wasn’t enough to accommodate us, so we set our tents and went to sleep.

Later early in the morning, after taking a warm cup of coffee we wished farewell to the family and where back on the road. From time to time we could stop by the road blocks and get registered., by around 5pm we finally arrived at our distantion. Warmly welcomed by the team on ground Dorothy a wife to Yolam, Mary and two other workers. And even the little puppy was excited to see us.

After having a moment of short prayers to thank God, we then had a meal together .

Mary then rode me on her bike to the base where I will be residing, the town has a nice view, and those memories never fade on my mind.

The following day we had devotions, then Mary also took me on ride to tour the town, she could also take me to the local market to buy food.


Mario, Dan and David during moments at Pastors conference 



Mario did a great joy taking us from church to church introducing us and our purpose of visit. We visited CITIBA Oral bible translation urgency, the President of the church affairs in Utuwelu region. Different denominations, medical center etc. The people warmly welcomed us.

The following week we started Pygmies ministry and church Seminar. There is a lot I can say about this.

But what I could write in summary is that it was very nice, connecting with the people and hearing from them and how they were responding to our message.

I really can’t wait to be back in this place and continue with what God has placed in my heart for DR. CONGO


it was a nice moment after 7 years meeting my friend Benjamin, Benjamin is a Congolese national, I met his family while they were staffing at Ywam Arua and we had very wonderful moment with them, meeting him again in the place where we used to talk with them while they were still in Arua base was very great moment.
He had moments to reflect on the topics of our prayers while in Arua, in the end we came to understand that it was an answered prayers 


we ate local foods, I loved eating "Pondu" and "Makenba", guess what others food I am hoping to try, Bizo, and posse (Caterpillar) I am raising my appetitte to try this out and can't wait for it.
However other foods such as rice, Phoso and other food are available  though very expensive.

I and Mary preparing Pondu for Lunch

The whole village Survives on this water, so are we, the water needs to be renovated, it has very steep cliff during rainy season the muddy ground becomes too slippery, it becomes too hard to go down there to fetch the water . We Trusting God for the Finances to repair it and atlist place concrete cement steps on that cliff